MOB Live!
Watch the MOB team live with your favorite boy-mom topics and special guests (nearly, #boymomlife) every week around Noon EST over at the facebook page.
Or, catch all the replays here on our website.
MOB Live Episode 17: Choosing a Verse to Pray for Your Family in 2018
For years, instead of choosing ONLY a word for the new year, The MOB Society has led the way in helping families choose a VERSE to PRAY for your family. Listen now as MOB co-founders, Brooke McGlothlin (author of Praying for Boys) and Home with the Boys (Erin Mohring)...
MOB Live Episode 16: Are My Kids on Track? with Sissy Goff
Are your kids on track? We spend a lot of time and energy on whether or not our kids are on track physically and intellectually, but what about whether or not they're where they need to be emotionally, socially, and spiritually? * When will they be able to...
MOB Live Episode 14: Truth in the Tinsel with Amanda White
Truth in the Tinsel is a perfect, hands-on way to teach your children about the true meaning of Christmas. In this week's MOB Live, we talk to Truth in the Tinsel creator, Amanda White, about this amazing way to help your family focus on Christ during Christmas! Get...
MOB Live Episode 13: Mary Prayers
In this week's MOB Live, Brooke and Erin talk about The MOB Society's newest challenge for you! Don't Miss This: With 34 minutes left, Erin share about our new online store, christianmomshop.com. There you'll find shirts, mugs, and jewelry that reflect what our...
MOB Live Episode 12: Erin Chase with Thanksgiving and Meal Planning Help
Erin Chase from $5 Dinners shares tips and tricks to make our Thanksgiving more sane! Erin is mom to four boys and is the Instant Pot QUEEN and creator of the FreezEasy and Electric Pressure Cooking 101 e-course. Interested in learning how to use your Instant...
MOB Live Episode 11: Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World with Kristen Welch
Are your kids entitled? Are they ungrateful for the things you do for them? Does what you sacrifice never seem like it's enough? Are you fed up with it and looking for a way out...ESPECIALLY as the Christmas season looms?? On this week's MOB Live, Brooke and Erin chat...
MOB Live Episode 10: Gina Smith on the Power of Boy Mom Community
Be honest, mom... How many times since you brought those blue or pink bundles home from the hospital have you just wanted to quit trying? How many times have you caught yourself thinking about what a failure you are? How your one big mess-up will probably land that...
MOB Live Episode 9: “God Is Raising You” with Teri Lynne Underwood
This week Brooke and Erin welcome Teri Lynne Underwood! Teri Lynne is a pastor’s wife, ministry speaker, and Bible teacher. As the mother of a teenage daughter and the founder of Prayers for Girls, a popular online community for mothers of daughters, Teri Lynne is a...
MOB Live Episode 8: Put Your Warrior Boots on with Lisa Whittle
Erin and Brooke are joined in this episode by Lisa Whittle! Jesus is everything. It is the heart, the passion and the leadership approach of author and speaker, Lisa Whittle. Lisa is the author of 6 books including her newly released, Put Your Warrior Boots On:...
MOB Live Episode 7: Mom Strong with Heidi St. John
This week we welcomed Heidi St. John to our MOB Live. Heidi St John is a mother, a grandmother, and a wife of 25 years. She is a popular conference speaker, radio personality, author and blogger whose message of returning to God's Word and embracing our ministry as...
MOB Live Episode 6: Why Motherhood Matters with September McCarthy
“Your motherhood is influential,” says September McCarthy, author of Why Motherhood Matters: An Invitation to Purposeful Parenting. “No one else can do your job like you can. God handpicked you to be the mother of your children, and He will provide you with every tiny...
MOB Live Episode 5: Knights in Training with Heather Haupt
In our Facebook Live this week, Erin was joined by Heather Haupt. Heather Haupt is the mother of three knights-in-training and a spunky little princess. She wants to be intentional during these years of parenting and raise children who will make a difference in this...