Be honest, mom…

How many times since you brought those blue or pink bundles home from the hospital have you just wanted to quit trying?

How many times have you caught yourself thinking about what a failure you are?

How your one big mess-up will probably land that little person straight in the counseling chair?

Me too.

It was during a phone call with a friend that I finally decided I might not be the only mom with these kinds of issues.

* In ONE conversation I knew I’d met another human being who understood.

* That ONE phone call inspired me to step out from behind the curtains of my life, where I was trying to hide how hard it really was, and into the light.

* ONE simple phone call empowered me to connect with other mothers of boys and tell my truth…because I suddenly knew that if I felt alone and desperate in my mothering, there had to be other moms who felt the same way.

Join me (Brooke McGlothlin) and Home with the Boys (Erin Mohring) as we interview BoyRaiser Tribe Manager, Gina Smith about the power of community to drastically change our lives and keep the enemy from beating us down.

Biggest Takeaways:

As Stacey Thacker said about The MOB Society: we’re made up of moms who are cheering each other on!

“Community for me was like drawing the curtain back and stepping into the light.” -Brooke

“You don’t need me—you need Him!” -Gina

“The Tribe combines the two things we get asked about most: prayer and connecting with other moms.” -Erin

Don’t Miss This:

With 40:33 left, Brooke opens our time in prayer. Brooke and Erin start talking about why they started The MOB Society.

Erin talks about how she searched online for Christian boy moms who weren’t complaining about their boys, but were encouraging each other. That’s what brought her and Brooke together years ago.

With 33 minutes left, Brooke shares what she was voted “most likely to do” in high school and then Erin shared hers. (Can you guess before you hear it from them?)

With 31 minutes left, Erin reminds us of the purpose of the community that has grown around The MOB Society—running alongside each other and cheering each other on!

With 28:20 left, Brooke shares about the outreach The MOB Society has created to serve more people, The Boy Raiser Tribe. It is a community of intentional praying moms.

With 26 minutes left, Gina Smith joins Brooke and Erin to introduce herself.

With 22 minutes left, Erin asks Gina to talk about what the Bible says about the importance of community. Gina quotes from 1 Sam. 23 about David and Jonathan’s friendship. She quotes from a post she wrote on 19 Ways We Are Called to Care for One Another.

With 12:30 left, Erin reminds us of the admonition in Titus 2 to encourage younger women.

With 9:30 left, Brooke shares more details about My Book of Prayer for Moms

With 6:45 left, Brooke tells us how to get My Book of Prayer for $25 instead of $30!

With 5:40 left, Gina shares more about what God is doing through The Tribe.

Take the next steps with us …

Join The BoyRaiser Tribe 

Buy My Book of Prayer