I sat down on Day One, opened my copy of Praying for Boys, and wept.
The thought that something God had done for me—a way His grace had intersected my life during one of my greatest struggles—was now helping thousands of other moms lift up their sons was just overwhelming.

The life circumstances that Praying for Boys was born out of still stagger me. We lost six family members and friends in six years, and our two boys—born just 23 months apart—came to us in that same season. That they were of the hard-to-handle variety just made the odds of me winning mother of the year go down exponentially. I’m an introvert, they’re both extroverts. The rubs were just everywhere, and all of it, all put together kept, me on my knees.

I didn’t ask to be a prayer warrior. My life just made any other means of survival impossible.

“My prayer ministry didn’t come to me because I worked for it or aspired to it. It didn’t come because I had all the right answers or knew an abundance of Scripture by heart.

I didn’t ask to be a prayer warrior. My life just made any other means of survival impossible.

I pray because I don’t have all the answers. I pray because I’m lost and can’t see the big picture. I pray because I’m desperate for a word-touch from the God who made me and because I can’t do this life thing without His direction. I pray because I don’t know how to raise these two boys to be the godly men I dream they will be, but I serve the God who does.

Believing that has changed my life.” (Praying for Boys, 22).

I hope it has changed yours, too.

If you experienced a touch of God’s grace during this month of prayer, we would love to hear about it. Maybe God worked a miracle in your home. Maybe He turned a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Maybe something got a bit better. Or maybe what God did the most was touch your own heart and transform the way you look at and pray for your home.

Whatever God did, we would love to hear it.

Let’s all encourage each other today by sharing how the power of God has worked through our prayers. If you’re a blogger, we’ve provided a link-up for you below. Feel free to write a post on how the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons Challenge impacted your family and share it here (and grab one of the buttons for your blog post below).

If you’re not a blogger, grace us with your story in the comments! Thank you SO much for joining us in this prayer challenge. Our prayer is that the seeds of faith that were planted during this month will take root and blossom into a full-grown, beautiful garden of prayer in your life.

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