Last week ON MOB LIVE! we talked about the challenges of hospitality. One of the sentences we used to try to describe how our generation feels about hospitality was this:
“Hospitality looks different for us than it did for our grandmothers.”
We didn’t realize it then, and we certainly didn’t intend it, but we believe now that using those words did more damage than good.
While it felt true and authentic for us at the time, what it actually does is promote the gap that seems to exist between our generation, yours, and the ones that came before us.
God actually made the generations to work together, but what we tend to see in the church nowadays is that the younger generation thinks the older one doesn’t understand their lives, and the older generation thinks they aren’t wanted or needed.
This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, so in today’s episode, we’re pausing to set things right. We’ve invited our BoyRaiser Tribe Manager and Boymom Mentor, Gina Smith, to join us and get real about what we can do to bring the generations together the way God intended.
If you’ve ever wanted to have an older mentor, someone you could lean on for support, guidance, and help, but couldn’t find one this episode is for you.
Listen as The MOB Society‘s Home with the Boys (Erin Mohring) and Brooke McGlothlin talk about things like what causes the generations NOT to reach out to each other, why God designed us to work together, not separately, common misconceptions different generations make about each other, and specific ways we can reach out to and help each other!
Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss
>>Are we creating a division between the generations without meaning to or not even knowing it?
>>Do you ever feel alone or like the older generation is not available to you?
>>Why is it hard for you to reach out to the older generation?
>>Are we too busy to mentor?
>>Would you like to learn how to reach out to the older generation?
>>Maybe it’s the word “mentor” that Is scary!
>>Why did God design us to be in relationships with the older generation?
Check out these highlights
Introduction and welcome!
{1:06} Explanation of why we decided to do this particular episode.
{57:48} Introduction of Gina Smith – BoyRaiser Tribe manager
{51:30} Brooke asks Gina “Why do you have a burden to bring the generations together?”
{48:33} Erin asks Gina “Did you have problems reaching out to the older generation when you were a young mom?”
{44:02} Erin shares about her experience of asking older women to be “mentor moms” and finding none were available.
{39:51} Gina shares her thoughts about mentoring vs. developing a relationships/friendships.
{30:30} Erin asks Gina to give us a biblical framework for this type of relationship.
{14:40} Brooke asks “What are some things that the older generation is going through, and how can the younger generation reach out to the older generation?”
{7:45} Brooke and Erin share some things that the younger generation is facing.
{2:25} Brooke gives a challenge for both the younger and older generation.
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