You need those, you know, Mom. Just a moment here and there. So take one or two.

The problem is, when I have one of those moments, I begin to try to figure out what God is doing.

Maybe God has given Jason that artistic ability so he will one day… 

Why in the world is this happening to our family? 

When the boys are in kindergarten and second grade, that’s when I will …

None of those thoughts is inherently bad, but we have to consider why we entertain them. What’s our motive?

To figure God out?

To lay an unwavering plan for our lives that we cling to, regardless of where God takes us?

In the moments we have, moms, we need to “seek first” (Matthew 6:33).

Our lives are not puzzles to be figured out.
Rather, we come to God,
who knows us and reveals to us the truth of our lives.
The fundamental mistake
is to begin with ourselves
and not God.
God is the center from which all life develops.
– Eugene Peterson from Run With the Horses

As Peterson writes, we must begin with God and not ourselves. We can certainly entertain goals for ourselves and our children, but there is an order.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, ESV).

When we spend our time—little as it may be—focusing on God and not on ourselves, our problems, our children, our future, He brings the peace we need to face the day.

Sometimes a moment is all you have. Use it to thank Him, to praise Him, to ask for His peace and love to shine through you.

 Resources to Help You Focus on God

To Find Yourself, Focus on God by Rick Warren

Are You Focusing on God or Obstacles?

Weak Moms, Strong God