Love God Love Others M. Swanson

Love God Love Others M. Swanson

Is it just me, or do you think we women have a tendency to complicate things?

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God’s Word is rich and full and it speaks to so many things,but really our calling, His “greatest commandment” is quite simple:

We are to love God with all of our hearts and with all of our souls, and with all of our minds


we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39)

I have a tendency to complicate many things, including my spiritual calling. I put burdens on myself that become more of a curse than a blessing. If I am not careful, I can become a modern day pharisee, doing, and working, and following my own made-up rules while forgetting the only real requirement of LOVING GOD, and LOVING OTHERS.

Maybe it’s easier to “do devotions” and then scratch that off my list, than it is to patiently love my family… ALL. DAY. LONG.

Maybe it’s more satisfying to show up for Bible study than it is to sit quietly in my prayer closet, listening for God’s voice.

Maybe it is more convenient to allot a set time, or place, to my “religious” activity than it is to be completely available to whatever God calls me to.

When I consider the life of Jesus, I see how He walked through His days always abiding in His Father. As far as I can tell He didn’t have a huge agenda, or a very booked calendar. He was free.

There is such a freedom in a life fully surrendered to the the Lord through the Holy Spirit. At first thought, the idea of this can bring on some anxiety in me.  What if surrendering to God’s plan means I won’t get my stuff done? What if it takes time from my family, or my chores, or my workout? What if I He asks me to do something that is uncomfortable?

But in response to those questions, I simply must ask–has the Lord ever called me to something that does not end up being a blessing to me? Have I ever regretted saying “yes” to something He has called me to?

Being fully available to Him will never ever let us down.

QUESTIONS to ask ourselves: Am I too busy “doing” to hear God if He asks me to be available? Can I take one step closer to surrendering the details of my day to the Lord to be used however He wants to use me? What is my biggest fear when I consider letting go of my agenda and instead following God moment by moment?

ACTIONS Start our day with our Bible, and a journal, and even our calendar–in front of us. Read the Bible, pray, and then lay our calendar out before the Lord in a physical act of surrender to the Lord. Invite Him to lead us throughout our day, and trust Him with it. As we face the things that come up throughout the day, we can get in the habit of turning to the Lord and asking Him how He wants to use us, or what He is trying to teach us through each situation. Begin to see “inconveniences” or surprises as opportunities to see God’s hand at work!

PRAYERS Thank you Lord for today! Please forgive me for complicating things so much! Thank you for my simple calling to Love you, and to Love others. Help me to show my love for you by being fully surrendered to you, and available to be used however you choose to use me. I commit my day and my life to you anew!

With Aloha, Monica