First Things First: a life lesson in what matters
When his thighs were still fat loaves of bread and his curls were still wisps of afternoon clouds,...
Read Moreby Julie.Sanders | Oct 24, 2017 | Family Relationships, Media and Electronics, Parenting | 0 |
When his thighs were still fat loaves of bread and his curls were still wisps of afternoon clouds,...
Read Moreby Jessica.Thompson | Nov 28, 2015 | Creative Consequences | 0 |
Minister of AngerWe sat silently in the bedroom, each one of us wondering who would take the first...
Read Moreby Julie.Sanders | Nov 18, 2015 | Creative Consequences | 0 |
I was not a seasoned teacher or mom the day I passed the trash can and caught the odor. A little...
Read Moreby Jeannie.Cunnion | Nov 16, 2015 | Creative Consequences | 0 |
I recently received an email in which a mom expressed fear that it was too late to parent her...
Read Moreby Heather.MacFadyen | Nov 13, 2015 | Creative Consequences | 1 |
At my wits’ end.Yep, that about sums up how I felt.The temperature outside blazed a few degrees...
Read Moreby Monica.Swanson | Nov 11, 2015 | Creative Consequences | 0 |
This one is for all of the parents of young boys out there. Yes, you — the ones who are in...
Read Moreby Alle.McCloskey | Oct 30, 2015 | Creative Consequences | 0 |
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. —...
Read Moreby Heather.MacFadyen | Sep 25, 2015 | Know Your Son | 0 |
Y’all have read my posts before. You know my control freak tendencies (if not, here’s...
Read Moreby Monica.Leigh | Sep 21, 2015 | Know Your Son | 2 |
Dear Mom of a strong-willed son, I too, have a son that falls into the “strong-willed” category. I have felt a twinge of guilt for looking forward to rest time and bedtime, to be able to get a break. While lying in my bed at...
Read MoreTHE MOB SOCIETY IS NOW MILLION PRAYING MOMS! For close to 10 years, Erin Mohring and Brooke McGlothlin served mothers of boys, helping them raise godly men in a world that constantly fights against this calling. In 2019, they followed the Lord in creating a brand new online space for moms called Million Praying Moms. To those who have followed The MOB Society for any length of time this will come as no surprise, as the foundation of MOB has always been one of prayer. Read more here!