MOB Live!
Watch the MOB team live with your favorite boy-mom topics and special guests (nearly, #boymomlife) every week around Noon EST over at the facebook page.
Or, catch all the replays here on our website.
[MOB LIVE!] EPISODE #47: Tips for creating an atmosphere of gratitude in your home!
The Grateful Home: Practicing Thanksgiving as a Family Need help knowing how to cultivate a grateful home during the Thanksgiving season? Today Erin, Home with the Boys and Brooke McGlothlin share practical tips for practicing thanksgiving as a family. Takeaways You...
[MOB LIVE!] EPISODE #46: 10 Ways to Know if Your Child is Ready for a Cell Phone
In today's world, it seems EVERYONE has a phone! Including ALL of your son's friends. At least, that's what he is telling you. But is he ready for this responsibility? Today Erin, Home with the Boys and Brooke McGlothlin talk about how you can know if your son is...
[MOB LIVE!] EPISODE #45: Bonus Content for the Pray the Word Journal
We have more exciting news to share about the Pray the Word Journal! When you pre-order by November 16 not only will this guarantee it will arrive before Christmas but you will receive lots of BONUS CONTENT! Today Erin, Home with the Boys and Brooke McGlothlin share...
[MOB LIVE!] EPISODE #44: The BIG announcement you’ve been waiting for!
God's plans are always bigger and great than our own! That's what The MOB Society has been learning over the last year or so. Today Erin, Home with the Boys and Brooke McGlothlin make a big announcement and give a little backstory of the process God has taken them on...
[MOB LIVE!] EPISODE #43: 3 Lessons Physical Fitness and Running Taught My Boys About Life and God
When it comes to physical fitness and running the lessons learned and parallels to life are plentiful. Today Erin, Home with the Boys and Brooke McGlothlin chat about the life lessons both of their families have learned from being active families and how they transfer...
[MOB LIVE!] EPISODE #42: 7 Ways to Help Your Son Avoid the Appearance of Evil
The events that have unfolded over the last few weeks have made it impossible not to wonder... How do we best teach our boys to respect and honor women, avoiding even the appearance of evil? Join Home with the Boys and Brooke McGlothlin as they talk to Raising Real...
We talk a lot about mentoring around here, but what's the big deal? Why is it so important? Is it really worth the work of finding and cultivating that kind of relationship? Those are the questions we'll be answering during this week's MOB Live! Some of you have...
[MOB LIVE!] Episode #40: 5 Ways Fathers Can Impact Their Middle School Sons
Tween boys can be a mystery. David Thomas, a therapist to boys and friend of our ministry, once told me that tween boys are more socially, emotionally, physically, sexually, and spiritually aware than they have ever been. They are constantly thinking about what people...
[MOB LIVE!] Episode #39: 8 Ways Busy Moms Can Use My Book of Prayer
Listen as Erin (Home with the Boys) and Brooke McGlothlin show you tips and tricks they personally use with their own copies of My Book of Prayer! (And get your copy of the Wisdom Edition before they are totally sold out! We only have 65 copies...
[MOB LIVE: Episode #38] 10 Action Steps that Can Make a Difference in Your H2H Home TODAY!
If you have H2H boys (H2H = Hard-to-Handle), you won't want to miss this episode of MOB LIVE! Listen NOW as Home with the Boys (Erin Mohring) and @Brooke McGlothlin share 10 action steps that can make a difference in your home RIGHT NOW. Seriously, you can put them...
Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin wrote Hope for the Weary Mom several years ago. It was literally birthed in a closet during a hurricane…and we don’t just mean figuratively (although the “hurricane of motherhood” certainly contributed to the message!). Since that...
Bullying is at epidemic levels, and the ways that our children can be bullied are only increasing as their access to technology increases. What is a Christian parent to do when their children is being bullied? What if their child IS the bully? Join Home with the Boys...